Nude Pink Horizon


Nude Pink Horizon collection is the perfect punch of neutrals and light pink. They are primarily made with Tibetan Agate and come in 3 versions; Rose Quartz, Crystal, and Selenite.

Rose Quartz; features a large round smooth Rose Quartz, pumpkin-shaped Rose Quartz, 8mm Tibetan Agate, small Rose Quartz, and a Pearl

Crystal; features a faceted Crystal Quartz, Pearl, 8mm Tibetan Agate, 4mm 14kt Gold matte bead, small round smooth Rose Quartz

Selenite; features a round smooth Selenite, large matte Quartz Crystal, 14kt Gold filled spacer, faceted Crystal Quartz, 8mm Tibetan Agate, and a Pearl

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Tibetan Agate

Provides spiritual & physical healing

Blocks evil

Amplifies strength, power, and encourage

All types of Agate are a reminder for us to be grateful of all we have in life good & bad